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Flooding alert: view the present water heights on this map.

Weekend forecast predicts substantial rainfall, especially in southern Germany, causing waterlogging and flooding. A graphic depicts existing water levels.

Danger of flooding in the south: On the left a water level indicator, on the right a map with flood...
Danger of flooding in the south: On the left a water level indicator, on the right a map with flood warnings for the weekend (as of May 31, 2:56 p.m.). A map with current water levels can be found at the bottom of the article

Risk of floods - Flooding alert: view the present water heights on this map.

"Recently, meteorologists from the German Weather Service (DWD) have announced that the weather forecasted for several southern German regions over the past few days is now occurring south of the Danube and expanding northward," they shared on Friday. Multiple districts in southern Germany have had weather warnings issued by the DWD due to heavy rainfall, with flood risks in many locations (view the current alert report). In an area from the Black Forest to western Bavaria, rainfall totalling 50-100 liters per square meter is expected to accumulate within 72 hours until Monday night, while 150 liters of rain is anticipated in the region from Swabia northeastwards to the Danube.

Picture: Map displays current water amounts and locations at risk for flooding

Below is a map illustrating the current water levels and the anticipated flooding locations. Regions colored red signify an official severe flooding alert, purple denotes very severe flooding, orange signifies a moderate flooding warning, and yellow dots indicate a minor flooding warning. Areas featuring dashed lines have received a warning from the responsible authorities, while green regions can drain water. Areas colored white have nowarning. North Rhine-Westphalia currently has no available data. This map is updated automatically using data from the cross-state flood portal of the federal states. Click on one of the colored dots for more details and to access the corresponding portal for flooding.

Note: You can also zoom in and adjust your view of the map.

Additional reading on the subject:

  • Torrential downpours inundate homes apart from rivers. Maps show at-risk zones. How to safeguard your place - and why basements can become dangerously deadly traps.
  • DWD director warns: "Intense rainfall will intensify, sweltering days will grow even hotter" (stern+)

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