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Flood situation in Saxony-Anhalt remains tense

During the holidays, anxious eyes turn to the rivers with high water levels. There is no quick relief in sight.

In Wasserleben in the northern Harz region, the rainfall of the past few days has caused
In Wasserleben in the northern Harz region, the rainfall of the past few days has caused the streams to swell.

Storm - Flood situation in Saxony-Anhalt remains tense

The flood situation remains tense in many places in Saxony-Anhalt. The flooding of the Mulde from Saxony is continuing towards Saxony-Anhalt, according to the State Office for Flood Protection and Water Management on Tuesday morning. The districts of Anhalt-Bitterfeld and Dessau-Roßlau were affected. The water levels of the Elbe also continued to rise.

Nevertheless, no further worsening of the flood situation is expected in the north of the state, according to a hydrologist from the service. If the rainfall subsides, the situation there could slowly ease. It is also hoped that the situation in the Harz Mountains will gradually ease. However, the situation varies greatly from place to place.

The threshold value for the third of four flood alert levels was exceeded on Boxing Day by the Wolmirstedt gauge on the Ohre, the Salzwedeler Dumme near Tylsen, the Helme near Brennungen and the Weiße Elster at the Oberthau gauge, according to an overview from the Saxony-Anhalt Flood Forecasting Center. Alert level 2 was reached at various other gauges on different rivers in the state, including the Saale in Halle.

In Halle, the paths along the Saale were closed to pedestrians and cyclists, as the city administration announced on Monday afternoon. In several streets, the street lighting remained switched off on the night of Boxing Day. However, it was expected that the water levels would fall again over the course of Tuesday.

At alert level 2, cities and municipalities set up a control service, from level 3 there is a permanent watch service and dyke defense measures are started. At level 4, there is a risk to the general public, the economy and the functionality of water management facilities.

Flood levels Saxony-Anhalt Information on impairments

Read also:

  1. Despite the hope for improvement in the Harz Mountains, the flood situation remains critical in Dessau-Roßlau and Anhalt-Bitterfeld, both located in Saxony-Anhalt.
  2. The rising water levels of the Elbe continue to pose a challenge to the flood protection measures in place, especially considering the ongoing bad weather.
  3. The situation along the Saale river in Halle has reached alert level 2, prompting the city administration to close pedestrian and cycling paths and switch off street lighting in several streets.
  4. Saxony-Anhalt is not the only region affected by the floods; the flooding from Saxony is also impacting the water level in the Elbe, causing concern in parts of Saxony-Anhalt.
  5. The Weather has not been favorable, making it difficult for the flood situation to improve significantly in many parts of Saxony-Anhalt, including Dessau-Roßlau and Anhalt-Bitterfeld.
  6. The weather forecast for the coming days in Saxony-Anhalt predicts more rain, which could exacerbate the flood situation, particularly in areas like Dessau-Roßlau and Anhalt-Bitterfeld along the Elbe.


