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Flood areas: Faeser pledges further support

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser has promised further support for the flood areas in Lower Saxony. The SPD politician said on Monday in Hatten near Oldenburg that she was worried about the weather forecasts with more rain. "That makes the situation more difficult. What we can do,...

Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, answers questions at
Nancy Faeser (SPD), Federal Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, answers questions at the Federal Press Conference.

Environment - Flood areas: Faeser pledges further support

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser has promised further support for the flood areas in Lower Saxony. The SPD politician said on Monday in Hatten near Oldenburg that she was worried about the weather forecasts with more rain. "That makes the situation more difficult. What we can do, we will do." They would get another helicopter to provide further support.

The Minister of the Interior thanked the emergency services for their selfless efforts. "A really great job has been done here in the last ten days. And I think we talk far too little about these emergency services," she said. "I'll start with the volunteer firefighters, who are doing their best for others alongside their jobs, alongside their families and now also on public holidays." That is very selfless. Faeser also thanked the emergency services and the police, among others.

The day before, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had taken a helicopter sightseeing flight to gain an impression of the flood situation in the north of Lower Saxony. He was accompanied by Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil and the state's Minister of the Interior, Daniela Behrens (both SPD).

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