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Flensburg tops its group in the European League

SG Flensburg-Handewitt were already certain of reaching the main round of the European League. First place was still at stake against Lovcen - and the Bundesliga handball team took it impressively.

Coach Nicolej Krickau (M) coaches his team. Flensburg celebrated another victory in the
Coach Nicolej Krickau (M) coaches his team. Flensburg celebrated another victory in the European League.

Handball - Flensburg tops its group in the European League

The SG Flensburg-Handewitt has advanced to the main round of the European League as group winners and thus achieved the goal it set itself. In the sixth and final game of the group stage, the German handball team celebrated a commanding 42:19 (24:8) victory over HC Lovcen-Cetinje from Montenegro in the Campushalle on Tuesday evening, successfully defending first place ahead of Kadetten Schaffhausen. The North Germans, who had already secured their progress before the game, take 2:2 points with them.

Flensburg underlined their position as favorites after just a few minutes. After the visitors had managed to draw 1:1 in the opening period, the team of head coach Nicolej Krickau scored nine goals in a row to make it 10:1 at one stage.

Thanks to the brilliant August Baskar Pedersen, who scored nine of his 13 goals in the first half, the club from Schleswig-Holstein pulled away to 24:8 by the break. The game was already decided. The hosts were not quite as effective in the second half, but still celebrated a clear victory.

SG Flensburg-Handewitt European League statistics

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