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Flammable Advent: tips for safe contemplation

What to do if there's a fire

Advent, Advent, the house is on fire: with simple precautions, it won't get that far in the
Advent, Advent, the house is on fire: with simple precautions, it won't get that far in the first

Flammable Advent: tips for safe contemplation

It happens every year during Advent: not only do the candles burn, but suddenly your home does too. Read on to find out how to prevent this and what to do if necessary.

In the run-up to Christmas, many people create peace and tranquillity with fir trees, Advent decorations - and candles. And that means the risk of fire: according to the German Insurance Association (GDV), the number of fires around Christmas and New Year's Eve is usually 35 to 50 percent higher on average than during the rest of the year.

"Carelessness, for example when handling the Advent wreath, is one of the most common causes of house fires at this time of year," says Frank Hachemer, Vice President of the German Fire Brigade Association (DFV).

Tips for preventing fires in the home

- Pay attention to the base

Advent wreaths and arrangements should not be placed directly on a piece of furniture. They should be placed on a fireproof base. According to fire protection experts from the TÜV association, this can be made of metal, glass, clay, stone or porcelain.

- Fasten everything securely

Branches and decorations should always be attached to Advent wreaths and arrangements in such a way that they do not come too close to the flames. Candles must be secured in such a way that they cannot tip over: "Candles should always be placed in a stable, non-flammable holder," says the fire department association.

- Choose the right place

Do not place candles near flammable objects and materials such as curtains, paper or packaging material. A minimum distance of one meter is recommended. And: A place with strong draughts is generally out of the question.

- Do not leave unattended

An adult should always be in the room when Advent and Christmas candles are lit. "Burning candles and the hot wax are a source of danger for curious children's hands or dogs' noses," warns Dr. Hermann Dinkler, expert for fire and explosion protection at the TÜV association. So always put out candles when leaving the room.

- Do not burn candles out completely

Extinguish candles on Advent wreaths and flower arrangements in good time before they burn down completely. The closer the open candle flames get to decorations or branches, the greater the risk of fire.

- Dispose of dry items

"Dried-out branches and unevenly burnt candles are a dangerous combination," warns Dinkler. Dried-out fir greenery, for example, should therefore be removed in good time.

And if there is a fire during Advent?

- Have extinguishing agents in the house

One of the most important measures is a fire extinguisher. Every household should have a powder or cartridge fire extinguisher. And you need to know how to use it, because in an emergency there is no time to study the instructions.

In addition to the fire extinguisher, an airtight, non-flammable blanket is also a useful tool. It can be used to effectively smother smaller fires - such as a burning Advent wreath. It is also important to protect your own hands by wrapping them in the blanket.

- If you cannot extinguish the fire yourself: 112

If your own attempts to extinguish the fire fail, you must act quickly: close windows and doors to prevent the fire from spreading, leave the home and call the fire department immediately on 112. Warn other residents loudly so that everyone can get to safety in time.

- Take everyone outside

Special attention should be paid to children and people with physical disabilities. Help them to leave the house safely. One of the occupants should make sure that everyone has left the building so that the fire department does not have to search for people in the burning building at their own risk.

- And afterwards: Insurance covers the damage

The GDV explains that household contents insurance and homeowners' insurance cover fire damage. Household contents insurance pays out if furnishings or gifts are destroyed by fire. Damage to the house, i.e. if it is completely or partially burnt down, is covered by homeowners' insurance. Fire damage should be reported to the insurer as soon as possible.

Read also:

  1. Despite the advice to keep candles away from flammable objects, a misplaced candle caused a small fire in one consumer's living room during their Christmas celebration, necessitating a call to the fire department.
  2. As an advisor in the field of fire safety, Frank Hachemer recommends that insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who implement fire prevention measures, such as using fireproof bases for their Advent wreaths and securing candles.
  3. In the spirit of fire safety during the holidays, families often conduct tests with their smoke alarms and fire extinguishers to ensure they are in good working order, providing a sense of security for everyone, including children, during the festive season, reminiscent of a peaceful Christmas Eve.


