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First steps: Fairer distribution of electricity grid costs

The expansion of green electricity production has one drawback for consumers in the north: high investments in the feed-in grids are driving up electricity prices. Now the burden is to be distributed more fairly.

The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up red.
The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up red.

Energy - First steps: Fairer distribution of electricity grid costs

After a long struggle, electricity customers in the north are about to see an end to the disadvantages caused by particularly high grid fees. The Federal Network Agency presented a key points paper in Berlin on Friday, according to which households and companies in regions with a strong expansion of wind and solar power plants are to be relieved. The higher costs for grid expansion in these regions are to be passed on to all electricity consumers in Germany in future. However, this will not fulfill all of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's expectations.

According to Energy Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD), the grid agency is now partially complying with a demand that the state has been making for a long time. Regions with a high proportion of renewable energies should not be further disadvantaged. "I am concerned with a fair distribution of costs," emphasized Meyer. However, the regulation that has now been presented can only be a first step. "We would have liked to see greater relief. Now we need to evaluate the Federal Network Agency 's model in concrete terms and develop it further if necessary," explained Meyer.

The State Association for Renewable Energies was also cautious. The proposal was a step in the right direction and would lead to a reduction in electricity costs in the north-east. "Unfortunately, the proposal to roll over distribution grid fees nationwide in the same way as for transmission grids, which we consider to be very simple, was not taken up," regretted Johann-Georg Jaeger, head of the association. It is therefore unlikely that grid fees in wind power regions will be cheaper than in other regions in future. "This would have meant that large electricity consumers would have moved towards renewable electricity generation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern," explained Jaeger with a view to the still underdeveloped industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Hannes Damm, member of the state parliament for the Greens, spoke of good news for the people of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The announced reform would probably reduce grid fees in the north-east by three to four cents per kilowatt hour in future. "For a typical household with four people and an annual electricity consumption of 3,500 kilowatt hours, this means a saving of around 120 euros - every year," Damm calculated.

However, it is unclear to what extent this reduction will actually be reflected in the electricity bill. According to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Schwerin, the regional grid operators have already announced a further increase in grid fees for 2024. These are part of the electricity price and account for around 20 percent according to industry figures.

In states such as Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein and Brandenburg, grid fees are significantly higher than in southern Germany, for example, due to the high level of investment required to expand the grid to feed in wind and solar power. This has also led to a decline in public acceptance for the construction of new wind farms. According to the grid agency, the fees in some grid areas are up to 15 cents per kilowatt hour. There are also regions where they are below 5 cents.

"The energy transition is a joint task and investment in the grids benefits everyone. We want to achieve a fairer distribution of costs," said the President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller. The agency is now putting its proposal up for discussion. It will then draw up the final regulation in a multi-stage process. It should come into force on January 1, 2025 at the earliest.

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