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First name debate after New Year's Eve: lawsuit unsuccessful

In the debate on first names of suspects in the New Year's Eve riots, a Berlin AfD MP has suffered a defeat before the Constitutional Court. Roland Gläser wanted to oblige the Berlin Senate to provide him with all the first names of the suspects in addition to the nationalities already...

Constitutional Court - First name debate after New Year's Eve: lawsuit unsuccessful

A Berlin AfD MP has suffered a defeat before the Constitutional Court in the debate on the first names of suspects in the New Year's Eve riots. Roland Gläser wanted to oblige the Berlin Senate to provide him with all the first names of the suspects in addition to the nationalities already disclosed. Berlin's highest court rejected this in the context of so-called organ dispute proceedings, as it announced on Thursday with reference to a ruling from 13 December (case no. 34/23).

The AfD politician's application was inadmissible, it said. The court justified this by stating that the MP had involved the court too early. In the judges' view, Gläser should have first discussed in detail with the Senate the form and level of detail in which his parliamentary question should have been answered.

Gläser announced on Thursday that he would not let up on the issue. "We are facing the next New Year's Eve," said the AfD politician. He assumed that the upcoming turn of the year would once again provide an opportunity to ask for the names of suspects.

On New Year's Eve 2022/2023, police officers and firefighters were attacked on duty in several German cities, with the attacks in Berlin being particularly violent. The police and fire department spoke of a new level of violence.

This was followed by a heated debate in the capital about the causes of youth violence, suspects with a migration background and their nationality. At the time, the Berlin CDU asked the Interior Committee for the first names of suspects - including those with German citizenship. This triggered a wave of criticism in which the CDU was accused of populism and racism.

Communication from the court

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