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First aid for cardiac arrest - New network in Saxony

When the heart suddenly stops, every minute counts. Defibrillators can save lives. But where can you find such devices in Saxony?

Quick help is needed in the event of cardiac arrest. In addition to chest compressions,...
Quick help is needed in the event of cardiac arrest. In addition to chest compressions, defibrillators can help save lives.

Health - First aid for cardiac arrest - New network in Saxony

In case of sudden cardiac arrest, defibrillators can save lives. However, first responders need to know where to find such equipment in an emergency, and it must be publicly accessible around the clock.

This is not always the case. Pioneers in this regard are apparently the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz, which for over a year and a half have not only been building an online registry, but also dispatching specially trained first responders in emergencies.

How many defibrillators (AED) are there in Saxony?

Inquiries to larger cities are of little help in this regard. They only have an overview of devices in municipal buildings. In Zwickau, for example, there are 18 of them - at the professional fire department, in sports facilities and swimming pools, and in the town hall. The city of Chemnitz knows of 15 defibrillators in sports halls, museums, administrative buildings, and the opera house. The city of Leipzig reports ten from administrative buildings, and the city administration of Dresden reports eight.

A look at the map of "Leipzig schockt" shows that there are several more AEDs in shopping centers, train stations, and the fair.

First responders can be directed to such a device quickly via an app. However, the app and website are currently being revised, and the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, as the project manager, informs us upon inquiry. No further details about the number and development of available devices could be provided by the Regional Association Leipzig.

A map also offers, in addition to the association Definetz, the initiative "Region of Lifesavers," which was started in Baden-Württemberg and is also gaining a foothold in other regions. For example, in Eastern Saxony with the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz. According to the information available, there are now approximately 100 devices registered there, also in smaller towns like Neusalza-Spremberg, Sohland, and Niesky.

Making defibrillators publicly accessible

"Our appeal is to make all AEDs publicly accessible and list them in the system," says Stefan Schumann, head of the Integrated Emergency Medical Dispatch Center East Saxony. Only then can they be used in an emergency. They should not be in buildings but rather on the facade and available around the clock.

This is currently reportedly the case in Dresden and in the neighboring districts of Meissen and Saxon Switzerland-Ore Mountains. However, only a few devices have been registered for this purpose so far.

The association names a guideline of one AED per 1,000 inhabitants or two per square kilometer. They should also not be more than 500 to 600 meters apart. The goal is to ensure that during a cardiac arrest, a defibrillator is available within three to five minutes.

So far, the focus has mainly been on sports facilities in the placement process, explains Steuber. However, according to new findings, residential areas should be given greater consideration, as 70% of all reanimations are required there.

Heart-Circulatory Arrest Outside of a Clinic is the third most common cause of death in Germany, according to the Federal Ministry of Health. Every year, emergency services are called to 120,000 affected individuals, and reanimation attempts could be made in 60,000 cases. Only eleven percent of those affected survive such an emergency.

According to Schumann, on average, an ambulance takes between 8 to 15 minutes to reach a patient, but irreversible damages occur during the first few minutes in case of a heart stoppage. Therefore, the actions of first responders are crucial. Besides cardiac massage, they can also save lives using a defibrillator in an emergency.

Regarding the concept of the "Region of Lifesavers" as in Ostsachsen, it involves not only a map of available equipment but also the alerting of trained first responders. There are now over 900 such helpers in Ostsachsen, explains Schumann.

When there is an emergency call to the rescue center about a heart-circulatory standstill, these helpers are called to the patient's location. While two go directly to him, a third is dispatched to the nearest AED. They then bring the device to the scene of action. This can significantly help before the ambulance arrives, says Schumann.

The recent European Football Championship reminded us of how crucial quick help can be in the case of a heart stoppage. The Danish footballer Christian Eriksen collapsed during the tournament 2021 due to a heart stoppage and was revived using cardiac massage and a defibrillator. He played again with his team at the current EM.

Federal Ministry of Health to Heart Stoppage Defibrillator Card of the Lifesavers Association

  1. In the district of Bautzen, first responders have been dispatched to emergencies involving cardiac arrest for over a year and a half.
  2. The city of Chemnitz in East Saxony has 15 publicly accessible defibrillators located in sports halls, museums, administrative buildings, and the opera house.
  3. Making defibrillators publicly accessible and listed in the system is a crucial appeal by Stefan Schumann, head of the Integrated Emergency Medical Dispatch Center East Saxony.
  4. In the neighboring districts of Dresden and Meissen, as well as Saxon Switzerland-Ore Mountains, a few defibrillators have been registered for public accessibility.
  5. The association suggests that each community should have at least one defibrillator per 1,000 inhabitants or two devices per square kilometer, with a maximum distance of 500 to 600 meters between them.
  6. According to Schumann, up to 900 trained first responders are available in Eastern Saxony to respond to heart-circulatory standstill emergencies.
  7. During the 2021 European Football Championship, the importance of quick help in cases of heart stoppage was highlighted when Danish footballer Christian Eriksen was revived using cardiac massage and a defibrillator.
  8. Inquiries to larger cities like Zwickau and Leipzig only provide an overview of devices located in municipal buildings, leaving many AEDs undiscovered.
  9. The Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund is currently revising an app and website to provide quick directions to publicly accessible defibrillators in emergencies.
  10. Görlitz, another district in East Saxony, is actively participating in the "Region of Lifesavers" initiative, aiming to provide more access to defibrillators and trained first responders in the area.

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