- Firefighters: Two injured in storms in North Baden
In the severe storms in North Baden overnight into Wednesday, a total of two people were injured. According to the information of the district fire association of the district of Karlsruhe, one person suffered a shoulder bruise in a fall. Similarly, in Gondelsheim, about 15 kilometers west of Karlsruhe, a helper was injured while transporting sandbags.
Mud and branches must be removed
Meanwhile, the clearing work continues in the district of Karlsruhe, which was hardest hit by the storm. "The firefighters will be busy all day pumping out cellars, basements, and underground garages," said press spokesman Edgar Geißler. Although the water has largely receded, there is still mud in many houses and on the streets.
In addition, there are still many branches and bushes along the roads that were washed up by the floodwaters. "These must now be removed with the help of the public works department."
The district of Karlsruhe, which was significantly affected by the storms, is currently focusing on the clearing work. The public works department is needed to remove the mud and branches from the roads that were carried away by the floodwaters.