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Firecracker in front of apartment building leads to dispute

A lit firecracker has led to an argument between the alleged perpetrator and a resident in Hildburghausen, in which both men were injured. On Wednesday evening, an unknown person set off a firecracker in front of a residential building, according to Suhl police on Thursday. A 53-year-old...

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Crime - Firecracker in front of apartment building leads to dispute

A lit firecracker has led to an argument between the alleged perpetrator and a resident in Hildburghausen, in which both men were injured. On Wednesday evening, an unknown person set off a firecracker in front of a residential building, according to Suhl police on Thursday. A 53-year-old resident then reportedly shouted out of a window. The unknown person shouted back, whereupon the 53-year-old went out into the street with an iron bar and a toy pistol. There he threatened a 35-year-old man.

It was initially unclear whether this man had also set off the firecracker. The 35-year-old pulled out a knife and held it to the 53-year-old's neck. The conflict then turned into a physical altercation without a knife or iron bar. Both men reportedly suffered minor injuries. The police who were called determined that the 53-year-old had an alcohol level of 1.4 per mille and that the other man was also intoxicated. Both men have been charged.

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The incident of criminality in Hildburghausen, Thuringia, was related to a firecracker, as reported by the Suhl police. During the dispute, several men were involved, including the 53-year-old resident and the 35-year-old man. Both individuals sustained minor injuries during the physical altercation that ensued.


