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Fire: Suspicion of right-wing extremist arson

Following the house fire in Wächtersbach, the public prosecutor's office is investigating suspected arson with a right-wing extremist motivation. This was announced by the Hanau public prosecutor's office on Thursday. The spray-painted slogan "Foreigners out" was found on several walls inside...

A police car stands behind a police cordon.
A police car stands behind a police cordon.

Mainz-Kinzing district - Fire: Suspicion of right-wing extremist arson

Following the house fire in Wächtersbach, the public prosecutor's office is investigating suspected arson with a right-wing extremist motivation. This was announced by the Hanau public prosecutor's office on Thursday. The spray-painted slogan "Foreigners out" was found on several walls inside the burnt-out house. The state security department of the responsible police headquarters is also investigating.

The house was occupied by a family from Pakistan who, according to the city, had lived in the Wittgenborn district for many years. No one was injured in the fire on the night of Christmas Day.

The building was badly damaged in the fire and is no longer habitable. According to the town, the affected family stayed with friends in the Main-Kinzig district. Investigators were initially unable to provide any further details on how exactly the fire started in the house. The public prosecutor's office 's department for politically motivated crimes is investigating the case. The investigators are looking for possible witnesses.

"The slogans that were discovered on the walls are despicable and inflammatory," said Martina Feldmayer, deputy leader of the Green parliamentary group in the state parliament on Thursday. "Anyone who commits such acts is attacking our entire society."

"It is not enough to condemn these acts, we have to fight the breeding ground that encourages right-wing violence: the strengthening of the right and the racist incitement against people with a migration background and refugees," said Janine Wissler, Left Party national chairwoman, on Wednesday.

The district administrator of the Main-Kinzig district, Thorsten Stolz, and mayor Andreas Weiher (both SPD) said on Thursday that a political and social classification would only be possible once the causes of the fire and the xenophobic graffiti had been reliably clarified.

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