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Fire on eleventh floor - man dies in high-rise fire

One man dies in a high-rise fire and 15 people are injured. It is still unclear how this could have happened.

A man has died in a fire in a high-rise building in Suhl.
A man has died in a fire in a high-rise building in Suhl.

Fire - Fire on eleventh floor - man dies in high-rise fire

A man died in a fire in a building in Suhl. The fire broke out, according to police, in the eleventh floor of the building for unknown reasons. Fifteen people were lightly injured due to smoke inhalation. A large contingent of police and fire department evacuated a part of the building early in the morning and blocked off adjacent streets. The affected apartment was completely burnt out, it was further stated. Further investigations into the cause of the fire and the exact cause of death of the man are ongoing. The police estimate the total damage to be in the six-figure range.

The fire incident occurred in the city of Thuringia, specifically in Suhl. Authorities are investigating if this High-rise fire is connected to any other fires in the area.

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