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Fire in underground parking garage in Geisenheim

A fire in an underground parking garage in Geisenheim in the Rheingau-Taunus district has triggered a major fire department operation. The residential building above the underground garage had to be evacuated on Wednesday night due to the heavy smoke. The 13 unharmed residents were taken to a...

A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.
A fire department vehicle with its blue lights switched on at an emergency scene.

Fires - Fire in underground parking garage in Geisenheim

A fire in an underground parking garage in Geisenheim in the Rheingau-Taunus district has triggered a major fire department operation. The residential building above the underground garage had to be evacuated on Wednesday night due to the heavy smoke. The 13 uninjured residents were taken to a nearby parish hall and cared for there, as the fire department announced on Wednesday morning.

Two vehicles parked in the underground garage caught fire and nine other cars were severely damaged. According to the information provided, the vehicles had a combustion engine. The amount of damage was not initially known. The fire was extinguished after around three hours and the police have begun investigating the cause.

Residents living near the scene of the fire were asked to keep their windows and doors closed due to the smoke. The residents of the building were able to return to their homes after the fire was extinguished. A movie theater also had to be ventilated by the fire department because smoke had entered the building.

Fire department statement

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The fire in Geisenheim, located in the Rheingau-Taunus district of Germany, occurred in an underground garage. The nearby residents were advised to keep their windows and doors closed due to the heavy smoke from the fire. The Fire department was also responsible for ventilating a nearby movie theater due to smoke entry. Despite the significant damage caused to two vehicles and nine others in the underground garage, no injuries were reported.


