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Fire in straw barn causes smoke over Cologne

A burning straw barn caused heavy smoke in Cologne on Tuesday morning. The fire department issued an official hazard warning for the Junkersdorf district and neighboring populated areas. Thick clouds of smoke drifted as far as the Cologne city forest and Decksteiner Weiher, a spokesman said.

A blue light on the roof of a fire department vehicle.
A blue light on the roof of a fire department vehicle.

Fire department operation - Fire in straw barn causes smoke over Cologne

A burning straw barn caused heavy smoke in Cologne on Tuesday morning. The fire department issued an official hazard warning for the Junkersdorf district and neighboring populated areas. Thick clouds of smoke drifted as far as the Cologne city forest and Decksteiner Weiher, a spokesman said.

The straw bales stored in a field had gone up in flames over an area of around 80 square meters in the early morning. Emergency services from the fire department and the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) had to pull the bales apart using a wheel loader to extinguish the fire. The work lasted into the morning. No one was injured. It was initially unclear why the fire broke out, according to a police spokeswoman.

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The fire department operation in Cologne was prompted by a fire in a straw barn, leading to smoke development that affected several nearby areas. On the same day, the North Rhine-Westphalia fire department dispatched additional resources to help extinguish the flames. Despite the extensive smoke, no reports of residential or structural damages were recorded in Cologne.


