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Fire in residential building in Kisdorf causes extensive property damage

Fire department operation on Christmas Day: according to estimates, flames cause around 200,000 euros of damage to a house in Kisdorf. But there is also good news.

Firefighters stand at a scene.
Firefighters stand at a scene.

Segeberg district - Fire in residential building in Kisdorf causes extensive property damage

A fire in a two-family house in Kisdorf (Segeberg district) caused extensive property damage on Christmas Day. No people were injured in the fire on Monday evening, a spokeswoman for the regional control center said on Tuesday.

According to initial estimates, the property damage caused by the fire in the first floor apartment amounts to around 200,000 euros. The affected apartment is not in permanent use. The cause of the fire is still unknown. The "Kieler Nachrichten" had previously reported.

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