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Fire destroys apartment building: Neighbors get residents out of building

Despite a large contingent of emergency services, a fire has completely destroyed a residential building in Geisingen (Tuttlingen district). According to police reports, neighbors saw flames coming out of the roof on Monday, made an emergency call and rang the residents' doorbell. They...

The lettering "Feuerwehr" can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.
The lettering "Feuerwehr" can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.

Geisingen - Fire destroys apartment building: Neighbors get residents out of building

Despite a large contingent of emergency services, a fire has completely destroyed a residential building in Geisingen (Tuttlingen district). According to police reports, neighbors saw flames coming out of the roof on Monday, made an emergency call and rang the residents' doorbell. They accompanied the senior citizen living on the first floor and her son, who lived in the attic, out of the burning building. The 93-year-old woman was uninjured, the 66-year-old man suffered mild smoke inhalation. According to a police spokesperson on Wednesday, it was initially unknown to what extent the residents themselves had noticed the fire. The cause of the fire is being investigated.

Press release

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