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Fire department rescues two horses from pond

Two horses broke into the ice of a pond in Neumünster on Sunday. But the professional fire department was able to rescue them. The two animals were unable to free themselves from the icy water under their own steam, a fire department spokesperson said on Monday. The emergency services therefore...

View of a fire department vehicle in action with flashing blue lights.
View of a fire department vehicle in action with flashing blue lights.

Animals - Fire department rescues two horses from pond

Two horses broke into the ice of a pond in Neumünster on Sunday. But the professional fire department was able to rescue them. The two animals were unable to free themselves from the icy water under their own power, a fire department spokesperson said on Monday. The emergency services therefore used a chainsaw to cut a path through the ice so that the horses could leave the pond without further help. After the successful rescue operation, the horses were able to warm up in the heated stable. The NDR had previously reported.

Read also:

  1. Despite the cold weather in Winter-specific Schleswig-Holstein, a Sunday emergency involving two ice-entrapped horses in Neumünster required the intervention of the professional fire department.
  2. Remarkably, two horses found themselves in an icy predicament in Neumünster, and the local fire department had to be called to handle the ice-related emergency.
  3. The horses were initially struggling to gain freedom from the icy pond on that chilly Sunday in Neumünster, leading to a call for assistance from the reputable professional fire department.
  4. The animals found themselves in a precarious situation when they broke through the ice in a pond in Neumünster, prompting an ice-related emergency response from the Neumünster fire department.
  5. In the midst of the harsh winter in Schleswig-Holstein's Neumünster, two horses found themselves trapped in icy waters, necessitating the arrival of the local professional fire department to respond to the situation.


