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Fire department height rescuers surprise children's UKE patients

On St. Nicholas Day, the fire department's high-altitude rescuers brought joy to the little patients of the children's clinic at Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital (UKE). Dressed up as Santa Claus or superheroes, the firefighters abseiled down from the roof of the hospital building on...

St. Nicholas in his flying sleigh brings presents to the young patients of the Children's
St. Nicholas in his flying sleigh brings presents to the young patients of the Children's and Adolescent Clinic of the University Medical Center.

Hospitals - Fire department height rescuers surprise children's UKE patients

On St. Nicholas Day, the fire department' s high-altitude rescuers brought joy to the little patients of the children's clinic at Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospital (UKE). Dressed up as Santa Claus or superheroes, the firefighters abseiled down from the roof of the hospital building on Wednesday to make the children forget everyday hospital life for a moment, according to the fire department. More than 50 fire department, THW and mountain rescue units from various children's hospitals took part in the nationwide campaign at the same time.

Read also:

  1. The fire department's social services team often collaborates with the University Hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) to provide support for families with children in need.
  2. Last year, Fire Department Nikolaus visited the children's hospital ward at University Hospital, distributing gifts and bringing cheer to the young patients.
  3. In addition to their work with children, the fire department is also involved in various health initiatives, such as educating the public about fire safety and first aid.
  4. After observing the success of the fire department's visit to the children's hospital, several other hospitals in Hamburg, including UKE, contacted the department to organize similar events.
  5. As part of a city-wide effort to promote health and wellness, the fire department and various hospitals in Hamburg are planning a series of events for children, including workshops on fire safety and fitness activities.


