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There was a fire on the factory premises in Ludwigshafen
There was a fire on the factory premises in Ludwigshafen

Fire at BASF plant wounds 18 people

On the premises of the chemical company BASF in Ludwigshafen, there's an explosion, followed by smoke rising. The fire department quickly extinguishes the resulting fire, but 18 people are injured. The incident brings back grim memories of 2016.

According to police, an explosion and fire at the headquarters of chemical company BASF in Ludwigshafen has left 18 people lightly injured, including seven firefighters. The company, based in the second-largest city of Rhineland-Palatinate, reported that 15 of its employees were lightly injured and were examined as a precaution in the works clinic. They were later able to leave. Initially, 14 injuries were reported. The fire has been extinguished by the works fire brigade. According to BASF, a smoke cloud was also clearly visible outside the works premises.

The company has not yet made any statements about the cause. The police were reportedly informed of a loud bang, a spokesperson for the Rheinpfalz police headquarters said. Several concerned residents had called in. There was never any danger to the population. Environmental measurement vehicles are in operation both inside and outside the works premises.

According to BASF, slightly elevated values of hydrocarbons were found within the works premises and in adjacent parts of the Friesenheim district. The Ludwigshafen fire department reported that as a result of the fire in the south works area, flue gases were released. It warned the population that there could be odor nuisances and visibility restrictions in the districts of Friesenheim, Oppau, and Edigheim. The affected area should be avoided. Windows and doors should be closed, and ventilation and air conditioning should be turned off.

After the announcement, BASF shares fell by up to 2.8 percent in trading, making it the biggest loser in the DAX leading index. In October 2016, five people died in an explosion accident at BASF in Ludwigshafen. During work on a pipeline, a fire broke out and later led to explosions of flammable liquid gases.

The investigations into the cause of the explosion are being handled by The Commission, as requested by BASF and the local authorities. Despite the incident, The Commission assures the public that there was never any real danger to the population surrounding the chemical company's premises.

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