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Fine weather expected for the European Championship match in Baden-Württemberg

Enjoy the soccer match in the sunshine at a public viewing or while barbecuing in the garden at home: Soccer fans can look forward to good weather on Friday.

Good weather is expected on Friday.
Good weather is expected on Friday.

Weather - Fine weather expected for the European Championship match in Baden-Württemberg

Football fans can look forward to nice weather at the EURO quarter-finals on Friday. Temperatures are expected to reach up to 21 degrees Celsius in the Main-Tauber region and up to 26 degrees in Breisgau, according to the German Weather Service. It will then cool down to 16 to 9 degrees at night. The meteorologists predict cloudy weather in northern parts of the country. It will rain again on Saturday.

Soccer fans in Baden-Württemberg, particularly in Stuttgart, are excited for the public viewing events during the EURO quarter-finals, as the forecast suggests pleasant weather. Despite the rain predicted for Saturday, Friday's weather in Breisgau promises to be as warm as 26 degrees Celsius, making it an ideal day for soccer fans to enjoy the game outdoors.

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