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Finance Senator Evers opens Berlin International Tax Office

Berlin's tax authorities are stepping up their action against VAT fraud by foreign companies. To this end, Finance Senator Stefan Evers (CDU) is opening the new Berlin International Tax Office in Neukölln on Monday (0900).

Stefan Evers (CDU), Senator for Finance in Berlin.
Stefan Evers (CDU), Senator for Finance in Berlin.

Authorities - Finance Senator Evers opens Berlin International Tax Office

Berlin's tax authorities are stepping up their action against VAT fraud by foreign companies. To this end, Finance Senator Stefan Evers (CDU) is opening the new Berlin International Tax Office in Neukölln on Monday (0900).

The authority will take over the VAT taxation of companies based in over 100 countries centrally for the whole of Germany. They should not be able to avoid their obligation to pay VAT in Germany.

The tax office focuses in particular on companies active in online trading. According to the tax authorities, the number of tax-registered online retailers has recently risen rapidly. The introduction of stricter regulations and new documentation requirements for operators of electronic marketplaces was cited as an important reason for this.

Previously, the Neukölln tax office had special responsibility for the entire area of so-called limited tax liability and sales taxation for companies based abroad. The new structure is now intended to take account of the increased workload.

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