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Final verdict on synagogue arson attempt

In January, a man is sentenced to prison for setting the wall of a synagogue in Ulm ablaze after pouring petrol on it and fleeing the scene.

A constable removes a man's handcuffs in the district court.
A constable removes a man's handcuffs in the district court.

Procedures or actions - Final verdict on synagogue arson attempt

A man who was found guilty of trying to burn down the Ulm Synagogue will have to serve his sentence. The Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe revealed on Wednesday that their investigation did not uncover any legal mistakes that could benefit the convicted individual. Hence, they rejected his appeal, making the ruling given by the Ulm Regional Court legally valid.

In January, this court had sentenced the man to serve 2 years and 9 months in prison for attempted severe arson and joint destruction of property.

It was determined by the Regional Court that the man poured a bottle of gasoline against the synagogue's outer wall in June 2021 and ignited it. The facade had fire spots and soot stains. The court also concluded that the attack was driven by antisemitic motives. He aimed to show his dissatisfaction with Israel's treatment of Palestinians by committing the deed.

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