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Film festival starts with open-air party at the "Junge Nacht"

Official festival openings are often for invited guests only. The Munich Film Festival therefore invites guests in advance - to the public party "Junge Nacht". A museum will also be there.

Deckchairs printed with the words "Filmfest München" stand on a lawn in the courtyard of the film...
Deckchairs printed with the words "Filmfest München" stand on a lawn in the courtyard of the film school.

Culture - Film festival starts with open-air party at the "Junge Nacht"

The Munich Film Festival begins this year with an open-air party. Already on the late Friday afternoon (5 pm), the Museum Brandhorst and the festival invite to the "Young Night" in the Art District. Planned are Open-Air concerts, workshops, and actions around art and film. Foodtrucks and beverage stands are also supposed to be set up. The Museum Brandhorst opens the new exhibition "Andy Warhol & Keith Haring. Party of Life" - for free admission. The party then continues at the Blitz Club from midnight.

Officially, the film festival is then opened on the Saturday evening with the comedy "Two for One", starring Sandra Hüller and Ronald Zehrfeld. On the Saturday, therefore, only children's films can be seen in the public program, as well as selected guests for the press and film industry. The public film program starts only on Sunday. Until July 7, the film festival shows around 150 films from all over the world, including comedies, dramas, documentaries, music films, and much more. Numerous prizes are also awarded, to German and international young talents as well as to established filmmakers, actresses, and actors.

The "Young Night" is part of the CineYou program, which specifically targets young people and young adults. It is led by "Checker Tobi" Krell and Tobi Obermeier, who are also responsible for the children's program CineKindl.

Young Night Museum Brandhorst to the Young Night Party at the Blitz Club

  1. The "Young Night" event at the Munich Film Festival takes place in Bavaria's Art District, inviting attendees to a series of concerts, workshops, and art activities, all culminating in a party at the Museum Brandhorst.
  2. Under the CineYou program, the "Young Night" is led by Tobi Krell and Tobi Obermeier, who also curate the children's program, CineKindl, offering a unique blend of art and film experiences.
  3. Attendees of the "Young Night" can enjoy the Museum Brandhorst's new exhibition, "Andy Warhol & Keith Haring. Party of Life," featuring works by these renowned artists, all available for free admission during the festival.
  4. As part of the Munich Film Festival, numerous festivals showcase around 150 movies from various countries, including comedies, dramas, and documentaries, offering an entertaining mix for film enthusiasts and garnering awards for both emerging and established talents.

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