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Fighting the heat: North Rhine-Westphalia cities increase their drinking water wells

City centers tend to feel hotter during summer, prompting local authorities to install drinking water fountains to offer free water. The infrastructure upgrade comes at a cost.

Water flows from a drinking fountain. In view of increasingly hot summers, many cities in NRW are...
Water flows from a drinking fountain. In view of increasingly hot summers, many cities in NRW are expanding their supply of public drinking water fountains.

The climatic situation is being updated here. - Fighting the heat: North Rhine-Westphalia cities increase their drinking water wells

Due to the rise in hot summers, many towns in North Rhine-Westphalia are expanding their supply of public water fountains. A report by the German Press Agency found that numerous locations are thinking about installing new fountains with complimentary drinking water. "The number of drinking water fountains in parks and pedestrian areas is increasing," said Helmut Dedy, the director of the North Rhine-Westphalia City Conference.

Dortmund boasts the most drinking water fountains in North Rhine-Westphalia with a whopping 33. Of these, two have been erected in the last two years, with more on the way, reports a representative. Düsseldorf homes 20 drinking water fountains, Cologne has 13, while Bonn operates three. In Bonn, a pilot project is underway, where three distinct fountain designs are being tested in three different locations, a rep disclosed.

Bielefeld is also intending to grow its offerings, as currently there are only three. Münster only has one public water fountain, but plans to establish another. Bochum manages nine stationary and four mobile fountains, with at least six additional locations planned. Duisburg, which presently has two set fountains and one mobile drinking water fountain, plans to increase this number to 50.

The price tag for constructing a drinking water fountain is estimated to be around 15,000 euros, according to calculations made by the city of Essen, which launched their first fountain last year and planned to design nine more. The yearly expenses for upkeep, like cleaning and maintenance, are approximated to be around 13,000 euros.

"Thus far, the fountains' construction and upkeep have been financed by the cities or their water companies," said Dedy. The state is promoting measures to combat heat waves and therefore subsidizes the installation of drinking fountains through a special funding program for municipalities until 2027. "We anticipate the state to uphold this funding."

Cologne drinking water fountains Essen drinking water fountains

Read also:

  1. Helmut Dedy, the director of the North Rhine-Westphalia City Conference, acknowledged the increase in drinking water fountains across the region, particularly in cities like Cologne.
  2. Düsseldorf and Dortmund, both in North Rhine-Westphalia, are taking steps to combat the heat wave by increasing their supply of drinking water fountains, following a trend in climate adaptation.
  3. Environmental concerns and the impact of climate change on human health have prompted cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, such as Essen and Duisburg, to invest in new drinking water fountains to ensure public access to cool water.
  4. The German Press Agency has reported that the number of drinking water fountains in North Rhine-Westphalia's urban areas has been increasing, with Düsseldorf and Cologne leading in the installation of new fountains.
  5. In light of the state's promotion of measures to combat heat waves, North Rhine-Westphalia's towns and cities are benefiting from a special funding program for the installation of drinking water fountains, with Helmut Dedy anticipating this support to continue until 2027.



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