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Fictitious parcel courier accused of robbery keeps mum.

An elderly person awaits a package and unwittingly allows entry to someone claiming to be a delivery person. After confirming the receipt of the shipment with a man wearing a DHL coat, the victim is assaulted, bound, and robbed.

Das Gesetzbuch "Strafrecht" steht auf einem Tisch in einem Verhandlungssaal im Kriminalgericht...
Das Gesetzbuch "Strafrecht" steht auf einem Tisch in einem Verhandlungssaal im Kriminalgericht Moabit.

Re-word the following: "Alter the given expression or phrase by using different words while retaining its original meaning." "Change the wording of the instruction or description to something new." "Rewrite the sentence with varying vocabulary." "Rephrase the original material while preserving the essence of the content." "Restate the title or description employing another choice of words." "Transform the presentation of the information by recasting it in a different manner." - Fictitious parcel courier accused of robbery keeps mum.

A 23-year-old university student is facing charges at the Berlin Regional Court for allegedly robbing and assaulting an elderly man in February 2022. The incident occurred at the victim's apartment, where he and an unidentified accomplice reportedly beat and tied up the 73-year-old victim. The culprits made off with 4500 euros. The student is being charged with aggravated robbery and grievous bodily harm.

According to the indictment, the accused wore a DHL courier jacket and rang the doorbell of a residential building in Kreuzberg, Berlin. When the door opened, the duo allegedly attacked the senior, forcing him to his knees and repeatedly inquiring about a safe that he did not possess. To intensify the pressure on the victim, the robbers supposedly connected a grinder to the building's electrics.

The senior testified, indicating he works on vintage cars and frequently receives parcels. He described seeing a man in a DHL jacket through a window before opening the door. "There was a guy wearing a DHL jacket. He had delivered me a package, then another man appeared," he stated. Before he knew it, the man he let into his home struck him in the stomach, pushed him into the hallway, and bound him with parcel tape. The robbers subsequently covered his mouth, looked around the apartment, and fled with a total of 4500 euros in envelopes after discovering it.

Despite not resisting and pretending to have health issues, the robbery was foiled when the criminals found no safe in the abode. Police secured evidence left behind in the form of fingerprints, which led to the detention of the accused student. His case is set to be tried on May 30th.

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