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Fewer young people in hospital after alcohol abuse

The trend towards binge drinking among children and young people is on the decline. But there is also cause for concern, as an analysis now shows.

A teenager holds a bottle of beer in front of her house.
A teenager holds a bottle of beer in front of her house.

Health - Fewer young people in hospital after alcohol abuse

The number of young binge drinkers in Lower Saxony fell last year. A total of 980 children and young people between the ages of 10 and 20 were treated in a clinic after excessive alcohol consumption - that is around 3 percent less than in the previous year, according to the health insurance company DAK in Hanover after an evaluation of current data from the state statistics office.

According to the data, 517 boys and 463 girls were treated in a clinic after alcohol poisoning in 2022. The number of males affected fell by a total of 34 (minus 6 percent) compared to the previous year, while there was a slight increase of 2 (plus 0.4 percent) among females. In the age group of 10 to 15-year-old boys, however, there was an increase of 49%, contrary to the general trend. The largest decline was recorded among 10 to 15-year-old girls at 29%.

"Fortunately, there is a downward trend in affected children and adolescents," said Dirk Vennekold, head of DAK-Gesundheit in Lower Saxony. However, the increase among 10 to 15-year-old boys is a cause for concern. "Every alcohol poisoning of a young person is still one too many," said Vennekold.

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