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View of apartment buildings in the city
View of apartment buildings in the city

Fewer rental apartments on the open market

The supply of rental apartments in Baden-Württemberg remains tight. In October, almost a quarter fewer properties were on offer than in the same period last year, according to the German Real Estate Association (IVD) in Stuttgart on Monday. High demand and the sharp decline in construction activity led to a shortage. In Freiburg, the decline was 41 percent compared to October 2023 and 2022, in Pforzheim 33 percent, in Stuttgart 31 percent and in Heilbronn 29 percent.

According to a spokesperson, the IVD market research institute analyzed the number of new rental properties on offer in the major cities on the basis of corresponding advertisements on internet portals and in the print media.

The real estate market in Baden-Württemberg is currently experiencing a shortage of rental properties, making finding a new living space challenging. As a result, people searching for rental apartments in cities like Freiburg, Pforzheim, Stuttgart, and Heilbronn are encountering significantly fewer options than in previous years.


