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Fewer people leaving the Catholic Church in NRW

In 2022, more people in NRW left the Catholic Church than ever before. Last year, there weren't quite as many - a sign of encouragement?

The nave of Cologne Cathedral is deserted at night.
The nave of Cologne Cathedral is deserted at night.

Religion - Fewer people leaving the Catholic Church in NRW

In North Rhine-Westphalia, fewer people left the Catholic Church in the past year. In 2022, the number of departures reached over 143,000, which represented a dramatic negative record. However, in 2023, there were only 115,431 departures, as the German Bishops' Conference announced in Bonn on Thursday. This development in NRW corresponds to the nationwide trend.

It is "first of all pleasing" that the number of departures has decreased, said Cologne General Vicar Guido Assmann to Domradio. However, the overall number is still very high. "Therefore, the joy is muted."

  1. The decrease in departures from the Catholic Church in 2023 was announced in Bonn, which is located in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).
  2. Despite the decrease in departures from the Catholic Church, North Rhine-Westphalia, being a significant part of Germany, still had a high number of departures.
  3. The Catholic Church in Germany, specifically in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been experiencing a decline in membership, as shown by the annual numbers of people leaving the faith.
  4. The German Bishops' Conference, based in Bonn, noted that the number of exits from the Catholic Church in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2023 was significantly lower than the previous year's record.

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