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Fewer participants at demonstrations in Saxony-Anhalt

In Saxony-Anhalt, significantly fewer people took part in demonstrations in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the resulting consequences in the second half of the year than before. This is according to a list from the Ministry of the Interior. "The number of...

Supporters of left-wing groups protest against a demonstration by right-wing groups in
Supporters of left-wing groups protest against a demonstration by right-wing groups in Magdeburg.

Meetings - Fewer participants at demonstrations in Saxony-Anhalt

In Saxony-Anhalt, significantly fewer people took part in demonstrations in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the resulting consequences in the second half of the year than before. This is according to a list from the Ministry of the Interior. "The number of participants has been stagnating at a low level for months," said a spokesperson. In the last five weeks, the number of participants across the country has fluctuated between 500 and 900 people.

In January, February and March, for example, more than 2,000 people regularly took part in gatherings held in connection with the pandemic situation, the war in Ukraine and the resulting consequences. Last Monday (11 December), there were 16 gatherings across the country with a total of 711 participants.

At the beginning of 2022, more than 18,000 people had taken to the streets, in autumn 2022 it was more than 14,000. This year, according to the Ministry of the Interior, the 1,000 mark has only been exceeded three times since the summer vacations.

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