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Fewer jobless people in Rhineland-Palatinate during May.

In May, the number of jobless individuals in Rhineland-Palatinate decreased. Nonetheless, one demographic experiences unemployment more frequently.

The Federal Employment Agency.
The Federal Employment Agency.

Securing a job. - Fewer jobless people in Rhineland-Palatinate during May.

By May, Rhineland-Palatinate experienced a small decline in the number of unemployed individuals. The latest figure shows approximately 200 fewer jobless individuals, amounting to around 118,200 people, reported the Federal Employment Agency's Regional Directorate in Saarbrücken. Despite this reduction, the overall unemployment rate remained constant at 5.2%. A year ago, this rate was slightly lower, standing at 4.8%. The Agency gathered their statistical data through May 15th.

As per Heidrun Schulz, the Agency's Regional Director, individuals lacking completed vocational training were most impacted by unemployment. "A solid education is the most effective way to combat unemployment," she stated.

Contrasting last year's May, 10,600 more unemployed individuals were documented, signifying a 9.9% rise. Compared to four weeks earlier, there were about 8,600 new jobseekers. The Regional Directorate also recorded a slight decrease in vacant positions from 37,800 jobs to 37,300 jobs.

Currently, approximately 8,300 young people are in search of apprenticeships. However, there are 12,200 apprenticeship vacancies available. "In essence, there are 68 young individuals for each 100 vacant apprenticeship opportunities," noted Schulz. "As a result, the odds of uncovering an ideal placement before the commencement of the apprenticeship year in summer are promising."

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