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Fewer call-outs at Christmas for the fire department in Dresden

The Christmas holidays were somewhat quieter for the fire and rescue services in Dresden compared to the previous year. There were no house fires, as the Dresden fire department announced on Wednesday. According to the report, the emergency services were called out a total of 629 times between...

The lettering "Feuerwehr" can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.
The lettering "Feuerwehr" can be read in yellow on the emergency vehicle.

Fires - Fewer call-outs at Christmas for the fire department in Dresden

The Christmas holidays were somewhat quieter for the fire and rescue services in Dresden compared to the previous year. There were no house fires, as the Dresden fire department announced on Wednesday. According to the report, the emergency services were called out a total of 629 times between December 24 and 26. This was 7.5 percent less than in the previous year. An emergency doctor was called out in 219 cases, and a rescue helicopter was deployed five times in the city. 130 ambulance transports were carried out.

As in 2022, the fire department had to respond to twelve fire incidents because in some cases the "hot roasting of the Christmas roast", as it was called, had caused heavy smoke development. Seven false alarms were reportedly triggered by automatic fire alarm systems.

According to the fire brigade, the storm "Zoltan" caused 76 rescue operations. In particular, damage caused by fallen trees or flooding due to heavy rain had to be repaired. Sandbags were filled and used to build a protective dam due to the flooding of the Elbe.

Dresden fire department

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