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Fewer and fewer people employed in agriculture in MV

In the last ten years, companies have cut around 4000 jobs.

Large farms with large fields and lots of technology dominate agriculture in MV. They need fewer...
Large farms with large fields and lots of technology dominate agriculture in MV. They need fewer and fewer workers.

Agriculture - Fewer and fewer people employed in agriculture in MV

In the Agrarian Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, there are fewer and fewer people employed in agriculture. The Statistical Office of the State in Schwerin reported that there were approximately 21,000 labor forces last year. In the previous census in 2020, there were still 23,300 employed, and in 2013, there were even 25,000.

On average, 1.1 labor forces managed 100 hectares in the previous year. This value was still 1.2 three years ago. Large-scale farms employ fewer labor forces: Companies with 5 to 10 hectares of land had an average of 10.4 labor forces per 100 hectares in 2023, while companies with 500 to 1000 hectares had only 0.7. Large farms with more than 1000 hectares of land employed 0.9 labor forces again, which is slightly more per 100 hectares.

Large-scale farms dominate

Large-scale farms with more than 500 hectares of land dominate agriculture in the northeast: According to the statistics, 890 out of the 4750 agricultural businesses in MV manage more than 500 hectares each. Therefore, the approximately 19% of large-scale farms account for 69% of the total agricultural land area.

Despite the decline in agricultural labor forces in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with 21,000 laborers reported in 2022, the agricultural sector in Schwerin still relies heavily on agriculture. Notably, large-scale farms with over 1000 hectares continue to be significant players in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's agriculture, employing 0.9 labor forces per 100 hectares in 2023.

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