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Female prisoner for hatching assault scheme at municipal building and legal venue.

A female suspect accumulated an arsenal of firearms and schemed to go on a rampage. Possibly, two officials dodged retaliation-fueled violence. Or perhaps it was only a violent daydream. The court is nearly certain.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

A woman held hatred towards authorities and had a bit of scornful love, leading her to scheme an attack on two public buildings in Fellbach and Waiblingen. She had even acquired the necessary weapons. These claims were proven in court on Wednesday. The 25-year-old woman was sentenced to serve 2 years, 8 months in prison for preparing a life-threatening act of violence. Included in this sentence is a previous conviction by Waiblingen Magistrates' Court related to an attack on an 86-year-old woman.

"To comprehend the crime, one must examine the defendant's life story," said the judge. The woman endured abuse from her alcoholic father, experienced bullying in school, lacked any professional training, and possessed no social support system. Excerpts from her diary show her desire to avenge herself on state institutions - the "Doomsday" or the "Day X." She felt belittled by them. In addition, a Fellbach City Hall employee had spurned her romantic advances.

In her home, the woman accumulated an assortment of weapons, including black powder, gas pistols, harpoons, machetes, and knives. She had carefully planned to execute attacks on the Fellbach City Hall and the Waiblingen District Court with her stockpile of weapons and a fake appointment. Her violent fantasies were documented in her diary. The defendant acknowledged the entries in court but insisted she only aimed to release a small portion of her inner anger and never intended to bring the plan to fruition. The discovery of this information was coincidental during a house move: Two city-aid workers uncovered a pertinent document.

"It's hard to establish whether the criminal act would have been implemented," stated the judge. "However, the court is sure it involved earnest intentions." The verdict is not final and can be appealed within a week. Either the prosecution or defense can submit an appeal.

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