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Fehr's appeal for 2024: "Stay in hope!"

Bishop Kirsten Fehrs, the current Chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), has warned against a pessimistic view of the world. With all the horror stories, the good news is often overlooked, such as the end of the corona pandemic, a home for refugees in many places in...

Bishop Kirsten Fehrs holds the festive service in Lübeck Cathedral on Christmas Day.
Bishop Kirsten Fehrs holds the festive service in Lübeck Cathedral on Christmas Day.

EKD Chairwoman - Fehr's appeal for 2024: "Stay in hope!"

Bishop Kirsten Fehrs, the current Chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), has warned against a pessimistic view of the world. With all the horror stories, the good news is often overlooked, such as the end of the corona pandemic, a home for refugees in many places in Germany or the new climate targets agreed by the global community, said the Hamburg bishop on Friday with a view to the turn of the year 2023/24. "My appeal therefore: Don't ignore suffering and problems, but also see the good! In Christian terms: Remain in hope!"

Fehrs also emphasized the full-time and voluntary commitment in civil society and the church. People who are touched by the suffering in the world, but do not allow themselves to be deterred, make the difference. "Those who consistently care for the weaker members of our society, who clearly show their colours in refugee aid and humanitarian commitment, who are involved in nursing homes, hospices or youth welfare, for example," emphasized the bishop.

Especially in the face of wars, climate change and the responsibility of society as a whole, only hope and community would provide the necessary strength to stand up for a better world and work for more humanity. Accordingly, the motto for 2024 is: "Let all that you do be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14). "It is love that binds fears and gives support, that is able to give peace again in the midst of deep shock," said Fehrs. According to the Ecumenical Working Group for Bible Reading, a verse from the Bible is chosen as the annual motto three years in advance.

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