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Federal police stop illegal entries

As part of the reintroduced border controls, the federal police in Western Pomerania have prevented five unauthorized entries. At the former German-Polish border crossing Linken (district of Vorpommern-Greifswald), officers stopped a car with five Turkish occupants on Tuesday, three of whom did...

A police officer holds a wave trowel in his hands.
A police officer holds a wave trowel in his hands.

Border controls - Federal police stop illegal entries

As part of the reintroduced border controls, the federal police in Western Pomerania have prevented five unauthorized entries. At the former German-Polish border crossing Linken (district of Vorpommern-Greifswald), officers stopped a car with five Turkish occupants on Tuesday, three of whom did not have valid visas, as the Pasewalk Federal Police Inspectorate announced on Wednesday.

The three were sent back to Poland. The driver and co-driver had valid documents. However, they are being investigated for aiding and abetting unauthorized entry.

On the same day, two Georgians were checked in Garz on Usedom. They also reportedly had no documents for legal residence in Germany and were sent back to Poland.

Border controls are not actually provided for in the Schengen area and must be reported to Brussels. Due to a high number of illegal entries, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) ordered controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland in mid-October. They will initially remain in place until December 15.

According to the Federal Police, a total of 112,178 unauthorized entries were detected between January and October. The upward trend was halted in October. In August, the Federal Police counted 14,701 unauthorized entries, in September there were 21,366 and in October 20,059.

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