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Federal Police: Positive results of checks at the main station

The Federal Police have drawn a first positive balance of their controls to ensure compliance with the weapons ban at Hamburg Central Station. Since the ban came into force at the beginning of October, 66 knives and 20 other weapons such as irritant gas, alarm guns, stun guns and telescopic...

Officers of the Federal Police at a checkpoint at Hamburg Central Station.
Officers of the Federal Police at a checkpoint at Hamburg Central Station.

Weapons ban - Federal Police: Positive results of checks at the main station

The Federal Police have drawn a first positive balance of their controls to ensure compliance with the weapons ban at Hamburg Central Station. Since the ban came into force at the beginning of October, 66 knives and 20 other weapons such as irritant gas, alarm guns, stun guns and telescopic batons have already been found during three special operations, said the President of the responsible Federal Police Directorate in Hanover, Michael Schuol, in Hamburg on Monday. "Every object is one too many."

200 additional officers have been deployed at and around the station since the beginning of October. "Since then, we have made 800 identity checks, searched 500 people and initiated more than 20 investigations," said Schuol.

However, the number of cases of people resisting police action is also increasing. "We have reached a record number of injured colleagues this year." 66 federal police officers were injured, 16 of them at the main station alone.

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