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Federal Court of Justice: The probation sentence imposed on ex-Federal Minister Krause is valid.

Former Federal Minister of Transport Günther Krause's suspended sentence for bankruptcy and attempted fraud is legally binding, according to the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). The decision was mostly upheld by the BGH, following its announcement in Karlsruhe on Wednesday. In September, the...

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Justitia sculpture

Federal Court of Justice: The probation sentence imposed on ex-Federal Minister Krause is valid.

A 70-year-old man was found to have concealed earnings from book publishing and TV gigs in eight instances between 2017 and 2020, which he should've disclosed to his bankruptcy manager. This individual had been a public figure, appearing in shows such as RTL's "I'm a Star - get me out of here."

In his past, Krause held special duties and served as a federal minister for transportation from 1990 to 1993. Previously, he played a central role in the agreement for German unity by signing it as the chief representative from the GDR. He contested the Rostock verdict in the Federal Court of Justice, but the court didn't discover any legal mistakes.

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