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Federal Cabinet decides on draft budget for 2025 and financial planning

The Bundest cabinet decides, after long Coalition battles, on Wednesday (from 11.00 am), about the government's budget proposal for 2025 and the medium-term financial planning until 2028. Additionally, a supplementary budget for 2024 is to be decided. For the coming year, expenditures of 480.6...

Federal Chancellery in Berlin
Federal Chancellery in Berlin

Federal Cabinet decides on draft budget for 2025 and financial planning

To meet the requirements of the debt brake barely, there are, however, some harsh cuts. In the budget, there are initially still billions of gaps that are to be closed partly only in the budget execution. Furthermore, the cabinet deals with several bills on different health political topics and a draft law of the Transport Ministry on the financial provision of public transportation.

The Federal Cabinet is currently reviewing a draft of the budget proposal for 2025, aiming to address the financial planning challenges and close the initial budget gaps. Due to strict fiscal rules, adjustments made in the draft budget may require further refinements during the budget execution phase.

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