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Federal Administrative Court: The group United Tribuns remains banned (orprohibited)

The United Tribuns, a group resembling a militia, remains banned. This also applies to the so-called Chapter United Tribuns Northside, a sub-organization, as the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig decided on Wednesday evening. The ban by the Federal Interior Ministry in August 2022 is valid.

Justice Statue
Justice Statue

Federal Administrative Court: The group United Tribuns remains banned (orprohibited)

The ministry had banned and dissolved the association, along with its overall 13 sub-organizations at the time, because their purpose and activities conflicted with criminal laws. The United Tribuns aimed to exercise violent power and assert themselves against competing groups. The group was founded in 2004 and reportedly had around a hundred members, many of whom had come to notice through criminal acts such as attempted murder or human trafficking.

The association itself did not appeal the ban, but the Northside Chapter did, as a sub-organization - before the first and final instance responsible Federal Administrative Court unsuccessfully. The Court declared that the United Tribuns were an association to which the Northside Chapter had voluntarily affiliated. Their common goal was to assert claims of dominance over rivals and ultimately earn income in the red-light and pimp milieu.

The association had set rules for itself, distinguishing between organizational levels and establishing organs and functions with specific tasks and rights. There was a strictly hierarchical structure, to which the local Chapters had to conform. They were existentially dependent on the main association. Central decision-making and control bodies were the so-called World President and the Board.

The Federal Administrative Court therefore classified the Chapters as regional sub-organizations of the United Tribuns. There was no reason to exempt the Northside Chapter from the ban, the Court ruled. It had not distanced itself from the unlawful goals.

  1. Despite the Federal Ministry Interior's ban on the United Tribuns and its sub-organizations due to conflicting activities with criminal laws, the Northside Chapter, as a sub-organization, chose to challenge the ban at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.
  2. The Federal Administrative Court, in its ruling, recognized the United Tribuns as the parent association to which the Northside Chapter willingly affiliated, sharing the goal of asserting dominance and earning income in the red-light and pimp milieu.
  3. The Federal Administrative Court classified the various Chapters, including the Northside Chapter, as regional sub-organizations of the United Tribuns, acknowledging their dependence on the main association's central decision-making and control.
  4. The Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig upheld the ban on the United Tribuns, finding that the Northside Chapter failed to distance itself from the association's unlawful goals and, as a rocker-like group, continued to advocate for violent power and conflict against competing groups.
  5. The ruling by the Federal Administrative Court cemented the disbandment of the United Tribuns and its sub-organizations, including the Northside Chapter, which had reportedly been involved in criminal acts such as attempted murder and human trafficking.

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