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FDP wants to delay Citizens' Energy Act with an urgent motion

With an urgent application to the NRW Constitutional Court, an opposition politician wants to stop the adoption of the Citizens' Energy Act planned for Friday for the time being. The law is intended to make it possible for residents and local authorities to benefit financially from new wind...

Henning Höne, Chairman of the FDP parliamentary group.
Henning Höne, Chairman of the FDP parliamentary group.

Parliament - FDP wants to delay Citizens' Energy Act with an urgent motion

With an urgent application to the NRW Constitutional Court, an opposition politician wants to stop the adoption of the Citizens' Energy Act planned for Friday for the time being. The law is intended to make it possible for residents and local authorities to benefit financially from new wind turbines in their area. A corresponding application by FDP MP Henning Höne against the state parliament's schedule was received on Wednesday evening, a spokesperson for the Constitutional Court said on Thursday.

According to the FDP parliamentary group leader, Höne's argument was that his rights as a parliamentarian to a proper legislative procedure had been violated because the government parliamentary groups had tabled an amendment that was too extensive at too short notice. The procedure should no longer be continued in this last sitting week of the year, he demanded. The "Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung" had first reported.

The state parliament still has until midday to comment, then the constitutional judges will deliberate on the urgent application. A decision should be made on Thursday evening, said the court spokesman.

The law was due to be passed on Wednesday of this week. In protest against a twelve-page amendment tabled at short notice by the government factions, the SPD and FDP pushed through a third reading. This was then scheduled for Friday. Adoption with the black-green government majority should be certain.

The state government wants the law to come into force on January 1, 2024 and only applies to new wind turbines. Participation is intended to increase public acceptance of wind turbines and further promote the expansion of wind power.

In a similar dispute at federal level regarding the "Heating Act" of the coalition government, the Federal Constitutional Court halted the proceedings shortly before the summer break. The judges made it clear that MPs must be given a reasonable amount of time to form an opinion on government bills.

WAZ report

Read also:

  1. The Constitutional Court in Düsseldorf is set to consider an urgent application from FDP MP Henning Höne, who argues that his parliamentary rights were violated due to an extensive last-minute amendment from the government parliamentary groups.
  2. The Citizens' Energy Act, which aims to allow residents and local authorities to benefit financially from new wind turbines, is currently scheduled for adoption in the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia on Friday.
  3. The urgency of Henning Höne's application has prompted the Constitutional Court to ask the State Parliament to provide its comments by midday and potentially pause the adoption process until a decision is made on Thursday evening.
  4. The FDP, led by its parliamentary group leader, has claimed that the government's late amendment did not provide enough time for proper legislative consideration, thereby hindering their ability to make informed decisions within the parliamentary chambers.
  5. The concept of enabling financial benefits for citizens and municipalities with new wind turbines, as enshrined in the Citizens' Energy Act, is seen as a way to increase public acceptance and further promote wind power expansion across North Rhine-Westphalia.


