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FDP state leader is in favor of the Liberals remaining in the federal coalition

Ahead of a member survey on whether the FDP should remain in the traffic light coalition in the federal government, NRW state chairman Henning Höne has spoken out against an exit. The traffic light coalition was never the FDP's desired constellation, Höne told the "Rheinische Post" (Wednesday)....

The FDP party logo is displayed on a stage.
The FDP party logo is displayed on a stage.

Federal Government - FDP state leader is in favor of the Liberals remaining in the federal coalition

Ahead of a member survey on whether the FDP should remain in the traffic light coalition in the federal government, NRW state chairman Henning Höne has spoken out against an exit. The traffic light coalition was never the FDP's desired constellation, Höne told the "Rheinische Post" (Wednesday). "Nevertheless, I am convinced that it is always better for the country if the Free Democrats bear responsibility." The Liberals should continue to bear responsibility for Germany even in difficult times.

"It's about whether we stand on the bridge when it comes to groundbreaking decisions. My clear answer is yes." He had the impression that many party members shared this stance, said Höne. In contrast to the federal government, the Liberals are only in opposition in North Rhine-Westphalia, with a black-green government in Düsseldorf.

The federal executive of the FDP announced on Monday that a vote on the end of the traffic light coalition would be held at the request of around 600 members. The result of the member survey is regarded as an opinion poll and may fuel the internal party discussion, but without having any immediate consequences. The federal constitution states: "The organs of the party are not bound by the result of the member survey in their decision-making."

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