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FDP: Saxony needs an economic turnaround

Before a state election, proposals and demands from the political camp increase in an inflationary manner. The FDP primarily claims to have expertise in economic policy.

Dresden: FDP demands economic turnaround for the Free State of Saxony. (archive picture)
Dresden: FDP demands economic turnaround for the Free State of Saxony. (archive picture)

Parties - FDP: Saxony needs an economic turnaround

According to the FDP, Saxony needs an economic turnaround. FDP spokesperson Robert Malorny emphasizes this, among other things, due to the increasing number of insolvencies in the past year. "If more and more companies are going bankrupt, I ask myself what Martin Dulig, the SPD's economic minister, actually does professionally," Malorny stated, looking at the SPD politician. "Someone who has been in office as Saxony's economic minister for ten years bears responsibility for this miserable development."

For Malorny, the problem is clear. "Saxony's businesses are being held back in their development by bureaucracy, too much regulation, and the disinterest of the SPD ministry leadership," he explained. "Therefore, we need a turnaround. What's holding us back needs to go away. Away with bureaucracy and high taxes. Our land needs the best framework conditions for investments and growth. We need to unleash the economic power in the Free State again." For this reason, his party intends to participate in the state election on September 1st.

The FDP believes that Dresden, being part of Saxony, necessitates an economic turnaround due to the rising insolvencies. Malorny, the FDP's spokesperson, criticizes SPD's economic minister Martin Dulig, stating his tenure in office has not significantly improved the situation. The FDP suggests that excessive bureaucracy, regulations, and the SPD ministry's disinterest hinder Saxony's businesses, proposing a change to foster investments and growth.

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