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FDP parliamentary group requests inquiry commission on Baltic Sea protection

The FDP parliamentary group is one of the fiercest opponents of a Baltic Sea National Park. No decision has been made yet. The parliamentary group wants to take a different approach with a motion.

Members of Parliament sit in the Schleswig-Holstein state
Members of Parliament sit in the Schleswig-Holstein state

FDP parliamentary group requests inquiry commission on Baltic Sea protection

The FDP parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament considers the idea of a Baltic Sea national park to be a failure. As a strict opponent of such a national park, it is now requesting the state parliament to set up a commission of inquiry on the "Future task of Baltic Sea protection". Baltic Sea protection is not just a matter for government action, but the state parliament also has an important say in the matter and the corresponding decision-making powers, emphasized MP Oliver Kumbartzky on Friday. "A broad, transparent discussion involving science and practice must be made possible."

According to the motion, the Enquete Commission should consist of nine members, of which the CDU parliamentary group should nominate three, the Greens parliamentary group and the SPD parliamentary group two each and the FDP parliamentary group and SSW parliamentary group one each.

According to the motion, climate change and human intervention have caused the Baltic Sea to be in a poor state. This shows that all previous efforts have not been sufficient to better protect the Baltic Sea. "The effective protection of the Baltic Sea is a task for the future. It is important to achieve the goals of environmental protection and at the same time take the various interests into account in the best possible way." Due to the large number of stakeholders with different needs, the state of the Baltic Sea must be discussed transparently and cooperatively and solutions must be sought.

According to the FDP parliamentary group, there should be an exchange with the maritime industry, tourism, the German Armed Forces, water sports, agriculture, nature conservation associations and marine science research.

The FDP parliamentary group believes that nature conservation efforts for the Baltic Sea require a broader, more transparent discussion, involving various stakeholders such as science, the maritime industry, and tourism. Despite the failure of the idea of a Baltic Sea national park, they still see the necessity of addressing the future task of Baltic Sea protection, emphasizing the importance of environmental protection and balancing multiple interests.


