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FDP: Master's degree rather than Master's degree is also a desirable goal

However, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) also believes that dual vocational training offers excellent opportunities for a fulfilling career.

Just before the start of the new training year, many training positions in MV are still unfilled.
Just before the start of the new training year, many training positions in MV are still unfilled.

- FDP: Master's degree rather than Master's degree is also a desirable goal

The FDP has renewed its call to strengthen promotion of dual vocational training even at grammar schools. Students should be made aware of the diverse opportunities offered by vocational training. Moreover, it should be made easier for young people who drop out of university to switch to a non-academic apprenticeship. "A master craftsman is just as valuable as a master's degree," said FDP state parliamentarian Sandy van Baal.

She responded to the demand for young skilled workers in industry, gastronomy, retail, and crafts. At the start of the new training year, which has already begun in some sectors on August 1st, applicants are still being sought in almost all areas. According to the North Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency, around 3,900 training positions were still unfilled across the state by the end of June. This means that about half of the 8,400 training places reported by companies and institutions did not find a suitable candidate. At the same time, 2,500 young people were still unemployed.

"Companies across the state are reporting that it is increasingly difficult to fill vacant positions. The shortage of skilled workers presents many businesses with major challenges," van Baal noted. Given the demographic change, it is foreseeable that the demand for qualified employees will continue to rise. For years, more people have been leaving the workforce due to age in MV than young people are joining.

The FDP's state parliamentarian Sandy van Baal proposed addressing the issue by promoting dual vocational training in Landtag, emphasizing that it could provide viable alternatives for students and dropouts. Despite the start of the new training year, numerous vacancies remain in various sectors, as highlighted by the North Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency, with around 3,900 positions still unfilled by the end of June.

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