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FDP: Lift ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays in MV

People walk along a street with their shopping
People walk along a street with their shopping

FDP: Lift ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays in MV

In order to boost the stationary retail trade in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the FDP believes that the general ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays should be dropped. "After all, Sundays in particular offer enormous sales potential for retailers," said Sandy van Baal, member of the FDP state parliament, on Monday. The retail sector is currently suffering from a slump because people are paying more attention to their money in view of the sharp rise in prices.

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the retail sector is largely run by entrepreneurs. "The owners still work here themselves and should therefore be able to make their own decisions." The general ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays restricts entrepreneurial freedom. "This is fatal, especially in these economically turbulent times," says van Baal.

The state parliament is currently debating a new version of the law on store opening hours to extend its regulation of baths. Economics Minister Reinhard Meyer (SPD) wants to create the same conditions as in neighboring Schleswig-Holstein, as he recently said in the state parliament. This does not go far enough for the opposition FDP.

The current spa regulation, which is valid until April 14, 2024, applies to 62 tourist resorts in MV, districts and outstanding leisure facilities. It currently allows Sunday openings from April 15 to October 30 of each year. Only if Easter falls in March are stores allowed to open on Sundays from March 15. In Schleswig-Holstein, the Bäderverordnung applies to the periods from December 17 to January 8 and from March 15 to October 31.

The FDP advocates for lifting the ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern to stimulate the retail trade, as Sandra van Baal, a FDP member of the state parliament, stated. This move, according to van Baal, would enhance sales potential for retailers and uphold entrepreneurs' freedom of choice, as the general ban is seen as a restriction during economically challenging times.


