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FDP calls for Islamic religious education to be abolished

Islamic religious education has been taught in schools in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2012. The FDP state parliamentary group wants this to change - and presents an alternative.

The FDP in NRW is calling for ethics classes instead of Islamic religious education.
The FDP in NRW is calling for ethics classes instead of Islamic religious education.

School - FDP calls for Islamic religious education to be abolished

The FDP-State Parliamentary Faction calls for the abolition of the Islamic Religious Instruction in North Rhine-Westphalia. "We cannot allow this Religious Instruction to become an entry point for extremist ideologies that are not based on the Constitution, or for outdated role models, such as those between men and women," said the North Rhine-Westphalia FDP leader Henning Höne in Düsseldorf.

For pupils who do not participate in the confessionally bound Religious Instruction, a compulsory Ethics Instruction should be introduced instead. Here, it should be about values, worldviews, or philosophical questions.

Lack of Teachers and Skepticism

Driving the call for abolition is, among other things, a recent study that shows that many prospective Religious teachers hold antisemitic and extremist views, explained Höne. In addition, there is a shortage of qualified teachers, the influence of conservative Islamic organizations, skepticism from school management, and complaints from the Muslim parent body.

"Only 6 percent of Muslim pupils attend this Instruction, which is partly due to the fact that it is not offered on a wide scale. However, we also receive feedback from schools that the Instruction receives little acceptance from many parents," said Höne.

Institution of Islamic Religious Instruction in NRW since 2012

According to figures from the Ministry of Education, there are approximately 470,400 Muslim girls and boys in North Rhine-Westphalia. The subject of Islamic Religious Instruction has existed in the state since 2012. At the initiative of the then FDP-led Ministry of Education, a commission of Islamic organizations began their work in 2021 to expand the Instruction. They were supposed to be contact persons for the state for the design of the Instruction.

"We have fundamentally supported the idea, but we have had to realize in the last few weeks and months that the good idea has obviously failed in its current form," said Höne. In the medium term, there is the possibility to "talk about the Islamic Religious Instruction again if there is a new model," but it does not work in open operation.

  1. The FDP, being the leading party in North Rhine-Westphalia's Parliamentary Faction, has advocated for the abolition of Islamic Religious Education in schools.
  2. During a public statement in Düsseldorf, the FDP leader, Henning Höne, expressed concerns about the potential for extremist ideologies and outdated gender roles to be promoted through this religious instruction.
  3. In addition to this, Höne cited a study highlighting antisemitic and extremist views among some prospective religious teachers, a shortage of qualified teachers, skepticism from school management, and opposition from the Muslim parent body as key reasons for the call to abolish the Islamic Religious Education.
  4. Despite the fact that only 6% of Muslim students attend this instruction and that many parents reject it, discussions about the reformation of Islamic Religious Education in North Rhine-Westphalia have been ongoing since 2012, when an initiative by the FDP-led Ministry of Education introduced the subject to schools.

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