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FDP and CDU prepare for European and local elections

Carsten Linnemann, Secretary General of the CDU, speaks at the 75th Germany Day of the Junge Union.

FDP and CDU prepare for European and local elections

With the CDU and the FDP, two more parties in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are setting course for the 2024 election year. In addition to the European elections, local elections will also be held in the north-east at the beginning of June. At the start of its state party conference on Saturday (09:30) in Güstrow, the FDP will nominate its candidates for the federal list for the European elections. In contrast to the CDU, which wanted to draw up its state list on Friday evening, the FDP and the other parties are entering the European elections with federal lists. According to the FDP state leadership, there are several candidates.

The CDU will continue its two-day meeting in Rostock on Saturday (10.00 a.m.). The program for the local elections, in which the CDU wants to defend its role as the strongest force in local parliaments throughout the state, will be discussed. CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann is expected as a guest speaker. Prior to his visit to Rostock, he had already strongly criticized the SPD-led state government. "Under Manuela Schwesig and her red-red alliance, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is in a tailspin. Red-Red is now a locational disadvantage for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern," Linnemann told the "Schweriner Volkszeitung" (Friday).

The FDP, aiming to make a strong impact in the upcoming European elections, will announce their federal list candidates during their state party conference in Güstrow. Echoing this, the CDU, while still in their meeting in Rostock, will discuss their strategy for the local elections, aiming to maintain their dominance as the strongest force in local parliaments throughout Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.




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