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Father-daughter duo on the run spotted in Halberstadt

The hunt for the man and the young girl goes on, as they likely had begun hitchhiking by now.

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Search for Fugitive - Father-daughter duo on the run spotted in Halberstadt

A 29-year-old Dutch man abandoned his home following a disagreement with his two-year-old daughter. He has been recently spotted in Halberstadt and the vicinity of Klein Quenstedt. The man's whereabouts are currently unknown, as he no longer has access to a vehicle. He has even resorted to hitchhiking. The public is asked to notify the Harz police station should they encounter the man. You can reach them through a phone call at 110.

More recent sightings of the man and his daughter transpired in Magdeburg. The Harz police station urged people not to pick up the man and his child as hitchhikers, but to instead alert them immediately. There's a risk that the man might harm himself and his daughter due to the family trouble he's going through.

The man, who cannot speak fluent German, abruptly left Kroppenstedt (Börde district) with his daughter on Tuesday, after a family incident. They have both been missing ever since.

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