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Father and Sons convicted for Life Imprisonment after Fatal Stabbing Incident

Following an unsuccessful financial transaction to Syria, a heated dispute ensues in Recklinghausen, leading to legal consequences for a father and his two offspring.

Three individuals were found guilty of homicide by the Bochum Local Court.
Three individuals were found guilty of homicide by the Bochum Local Court.

- Father and Sons convicted for Life Imprisonment after Fatal Stabbing Incident

After a gruesome incident in Recklinghausen, a Syrian man and his two mature sons were handed life sentences for collective homicide. As ruled by the Bochum Regional Court, these individuals fatally stabbed a 31-year-old fellow Syrian on the street on September 23, 2021. The catalyst for this heinous act was a disagreement over an unfulfilled, illicit fund transfer.

The deceased had reportedly sent 600 euros to the defendants for transmission to his parents in Syria using the "hawala" method, which relies on cash transfers without involving banks. The convicted trio, aged 28 to 54, were alleged to have misused this money.

Assault with pepper spray and knife

According to the verdict, the victim had traveled from the Netherlands to confront the men over his money. He was caught off guard and attacked brutally with pepper spray and a knife. Medical professionals discovered severe slices to his arm and liver. The victim expired near the crime scene.

During the hearing, the father of the defendants denied his involvement in the lethal stabbing. His sons declined to comment on the charges. The Bochum court was convinced of the wrongdoing of all accused individuals. "There was not an ounce of doubt in our minds," argued Judge Jan Kieke. The rulings were for premeditated murder, though the sentences have yet to be finalized.

The Commission has expressed its concern over the escalating violence in the region, following the verdict in the Recklinghausen case. The Commission is closely monitoring the situation and calls for stricter regulations on international money transfers to prevent misuse.

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