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Father almost beaten to death: Trial opens against 48-year-old man

A 48-year-old German man has been on trial at Frankfurt District Court since Friday for allegedly beating his 85-year-old father almost to death with a baseball bat. The crime took place in April of this year in his parents' home in Steinbach (Hochtaunus district), which the accused had entered...

Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.
Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.

Hochtaunus district - Father almost beaten to death: Trial opens against 48-year-old man

A 48-year-old German man has been on trial at Frankfurt District Court since Friday for allegedly beating his 85-year-old father almost to death with a baseball bat. The crime took place in April of this year in his parents' home in Steinbach(Hochtaunus district), which the accused had entered against his parents' will, according to the public prosecutor's office. After an argument, he finally hit the father 15 times on the head with a heavy bat. The victim suffered permanent brain damage as a result of the attack. (AZ 3190 Js 219618/23)

After the arrest of the perpetrator, there were indications that the man was mentally ill. In the run-up to the trial, the public prosecutor's office therefore argued for him to be placed in a psychiatric hospital and submitted a corresponding application, which was read out on the first day of the trial. The defense lawyer then informed the court that his client would make a statement on the accusation. The public prosecutor's office assumes attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily harm. The jury court chamber has initially scheduled five further trial dates until the end of January

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